A certain parish priest, a man of upright life, knew no other Mass than the Mass of the Blessed Virgin, which he constantly chanted in her honour. Being accused thereof to the bishop , he was forthwith arraigned be/ore him. When he avowed that he knew no other Mass, the bishop harshly upbraided him as an impostor, suspended him from his cure, and forbade him to chant the said Mass thereafter. The follo wing night the Blessed Mary appeared to the bishop, belaboured him with reproaches, and demanded the reason of his ill treatment of her servant; and she further said that the bishop would die within thirty days unless he restored the priest to his office. Ali atremble, the bishop summoned the priest and begged his forgiveness, commanding him to celebrate no other Mass than that of the Blessed Virgin." (The Golden Legend of Jacobus de Voragine, 13th century; G. Ryan & H. Ripperger, trans., Ayer Company [Salem, NH, 1987], p. 528. Reproduced by permission.)
Anonymous 4
(Ruth Cunningham, Marsha Genensky, Susan Hellauer,and Johanna Rose) is a vocal quartet specializing in the discovery and performance of medieval music. Estabhished in 1986, and now an ensemble-in-residence at St. Michael's Church in New York City, Anonymous 4 has become recognized for creative programming, exquisite vocal blend, and ensemble virtuosity. Anonymous 4 has created a variety of programs interweaving chant, monophonic song, and polyphony with poetry and narrative. Each presentation evokes a different aspect of the medieval experience.
In addition to their New York concert series, Anonymous 4 has performed to critical acclaim throughout the United States and in Canada, as well as appearing on national broadcasts. Anonymous 4 has appeared at the Tage Alter Musik Festival in Regensburg, Germany, and in concerts sponsored and recorded for broadcast by the West German Radio in Cologne. This is Anonymous 4's first recording far harmonia mundi usa.